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HomeGeneraleCETA BUSINESS FORUM: the new EU-Canada network

CETA BUSINESS FORUM: the new EU-Canada network

The CETA BUSINESS FORUM was launched!

Almost five years have passed since the entry into force of the free trade agreement CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement), which opened a new era of facilitations in exports and trade between the European Union and Canada. After years of discussions, the time has come to reap the benefits of this valuable legal instrument.

It is an innovative international conference, which aims to become a permanent platform dedicated to the development and strengthening of relations between EU member states and Canada in the commercial, industrial, technological and educational fields.

Ceta Business Forum

The first edition of the event is scheduled for June 22-23, 2022 and will take place in virtual format, through a digital platform that will faithfully reproduce a trade fair event, with the presence of classrooms, stands and services for interaction between participants, all in 3D format. A first “remote” version that anticipates what will be subsequent editions, in physical presence and traveling, through the EU countries and Canada

The participation in the CETA BUSINESS FORUM offers a unique networking opportunity for companies, professionals, startups, associations, institutions, universities and media from Europe and Canada.

An opportunity to learn in depth and make the most of the opportunities offered by the international treaty Ceta, which already in these first years of provisional effectiveness has brought flattering and in some ways unexpected results in terms of EU-Canada trade, despite the difficulties that arose in early 2020 with the emergency Covid-19.

An opportunity to promote oneself and gain international visibility by establishing contacts, opportunities for exchange and growth, not only at present but also in the future, becoming part of a network that will remain active on a permanent basis, and that will find in the annual conferences an occasion for a reunion.

An opportunity to get out of one’s own space-time boundaries, to have an aware and punctual vision of the world that surrounds us and of the future that awaits us, with perspectives mainly linked to innovation, sustainable development and global cooperation that translate into opportunities of great value, not only economic, and that find in Canada and in the European Union two absolute protagonists at a global level.

The CETA BUSINESS FORUM looks with particular interest at the following sectors: Energy, Agriculture, Furniture, Space, Sustainability, Automotive, Food & Beverage, Technology, Fashion, Education, Circular Economy and Blue Economy.

At the event it will be possible to participate in various ways, depending on interests and objectives: as exhibitors, promoting your business with a virtual stand and organizing B2B meetings; as speakers for workshops, seminars and round tables; as partners or media partners, to inform and weave the great EU-Canada network; and as simple visitors, to update and find new inspirations that can stimulate your professional and personal growth.

The CETA BUSINESS FORUM is organized by Malta Business Events, with the support of Trade & Invest British Columbia (Canada), Anima Investment Network (France), Ascame (Spain), Unci Agroalimentare (Italy), UPO University of Eastern Piedmont (Italy) , Iconic Cluster (Romania), Cluster Energia (Spain), Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade (Malta) and the participation of UniExportManager, the network of Italian Export Managers.

But many other partners and supporters are about to be announced, and many more will join to build together this new network that will cross the Atlantic in both directions to push two great realities towards a future of hope that we owe to the next generations.


This article provides general information only and does not replace professional advice in any way. It is recommended to consult a qualified professional before making any important decisions regarding financial, legal or other matters. The author and the publication are not responsible for any errors or damages caused by the use of the information contained in this article.

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