Obtaining enough capital to start your own business can be challenging enough, but what happens if you are over the initial phase and it is now time to take the next step? At this stage, your company’s progress will have become evident and further investment will be needed to take it on to the next step. You might want to expand or consolidate your activities, or perhaps even undertake new projects. If this is where you are on your entrepreneurial journey and your enterprise contributes to the regional development of Malta, you can obtain financial support from Malta Enterprise.
The Business Development scheme can be a game-changer. It guarantees support for various activities, such as the initial development phase of undertaking’s establishing of activities, and the re-engineering of business processes.
Projects that do not address specifically the above activities but which may lead to increase in business performance and innovation, may still be supported through tax credits.
Eligible costs shall be directly related to the operation of the undertaking in the following areas: Relocation costs of Key Personnel; Payroll Costs; Lease and Rental of Real Estate; Support and Advisory Services; Rights, Licences and Certifications; and Procurement and Relocation of Tangible Assets.
Support may be awarded in the form of tax credit or a cash grant. The incentive is available until 31st December, 2023.
You can rely on the support of the Malta Business Agency team to submit your application. Request more information or specific advice by filling out the form below.